Test database connection settings

Click to test the database connection.

Validate katmandoo installation

Click to validate the katmandoo installation. Please ensure that there is a successful connection before running this

Generate Encrypted Text

Generate encrypted text for the database connection string

Build Configuration File

Enter your configuration settings

Server host name or IP address hosting the database
Port number of the specified database host (optional).
Katmandoo database name on the specified host
Database user with permission to access the katmandoo database
Password used to connect to the specified database
Local folder path to hold uploaded import files
Local folder path to store uploaded media files
Local file path to error log file (including file name) to record exceptions
Local file path to dot application (including file name) to generate svg files in katmandoo
For formatting of dates, eg, en-AU, en-US
List of user names that can preform higher level administrative tasks.
Allows NA values for integer system columns in import files to be converted to null (eg. Replicate)
Allows NA values for decimal system columns in import files to be converted to null (eg. TrialLatitude)
Allows NA values for date system columns in import files to be converted to null (eg. TrialEndDate)
NA values will always be valid for virtual columns in import files if this is set.
Show additional details including stack traces when exceptions occur. Ensure this option is disabled in a production environment.
Generate Barcode Uniquely Across all Sub-Systems.
Enable the document page.
Enable the abilty to upload files to document page
Enable this page to any user that can access this link. Ensure this option is disabled in a production environment.